April 29, 2015

Our Porthcawl group has reopened!

Our Porthcawl group in Hope Chapel, Newton has opened.

It is in a great room with plenty of parking outside, access for pushchairs and space for older siblings to come along.

Refreshments and Cakes will be provided.

Click on Breastfeeding Support Groups for more details.

August 2, 2013

Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme

This has been established by the Welsh Assembly Government to identify premises that understand and support the needs of breastfeeding mothers and their babies.

The scheme is open to local businesses that provide food or drink, and to hairdressers, shops, libraries and museums, community centres and health centres, in fact anywhere open to the general public.
When out and about you can look for the Llaeth Mam/Mother’s Milk logo or you can find which places have registered as breastfeeding welcome in your area via the link below:
July 25, 2013

Parents in Partnership South Wales

Croeso: Welcome to our website

Our Objectives

To educate, advance and promote the physical, emotional and psychological health and wellbeing  of families during pregnancy, post pregnancy and through the early years of child development.

Charity number 1137922